Thursday, December 26, 2002

Wow, so my last post was not exactly 'peace on earth', was it? Sorry.

So, it's probably a good thing that I am out of my element and on holiday. As I commented to Mr. Scott McKnight last week, my immediate family hails from other parts, so I feel a bit left out of the loop. Missing The Grandsons and Last Train Home at the Kennedy Center, and the Hootenanny and Roots All Stars at Iota. You wold have thought I'd had time to post my thoughts about the Americana Motel 2 show, it's been a month!

I'll be back for New Year's and hopefully have a more regular schedule when it comes to posting.

There are so many great things going on this New Years, The Grandsons and Ruthie at the Masonic Temple in Arlington. I still can't believe the Iguana's are playing at The State-how nice of them. I will be at my first Iota New Year's bash. I am very pleased with their promise of hoppin' john on New Year's Day. I have never tried ye olde wives tale that says eating black-eyed peas on the 1st will give you luck in the following year. I am not surprised it's this year that I'll eat them or that Iota has something to do with bringing me luck. Have a seriously wonderful New Year's Eve and as I always say, Love & Luck-what else is there?

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

OK, another digression. Other people's talk is cheap, so I can't resist, did you read Joe Heim's rant on people who talk during shows?. Isn't it funny how ideas seem to spontaneously generate? Just to show you where I stand, if groupiegirl ever produces merch-one will be a t-shirt that says something like "I paid for the show, so you should shut the hell up!" E-mail him at if you have a truly royal story.

I wonder if any of the chatty-mc-chatterson-losers will respond and defend their right to be pain's in the ass? About a year ago, I remember some other Wash-Post commenter that wanted to address screamers/woo-hoo'ers at shows. Now, I am a staunch defender of the woohoo, those of you who know who I am even associate me with the woohoo, I think. I even, on occassion, indulge in a Sinatra style scream or an "oh yeah" if the mood warrants it. So, I realize that I am viewed by some other people in the audience as a "pain in the ass". But I'll tell you what, my new favorite phrase is "Enthusiasm Is Free". Like little babies who scream because they are happy or engaged in something like touching a puppy for the first time-that is what screaming at shows is all about. It's short and sweet, It makes me happy, and in most cases, it makes the band happy. I mean, why do you think people perform live? To hear themselves? No, it's to share something with their audience, get emotions off their chest. And don't forget living the rock & roll fantasy-where people swoon and scream and know all the words to songs you wrote. Yeah, there are exceptions, we are not little babies, we can exercise poise and judgement ideally-no yelling woo-hoo during quiet love ballads or songs about death and other contemplative matters, and don't say things to the other audience members like "What is WRONG with you people? Why aren't you dancing (or yelling?)"

Which gets to the crux of the matter-be nice, or you shouldn't be there at all. Be interested, or you shouldn't be there at all. If you are falling down drunk, you should not have been there in the first place.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

some thoughts about Americana Motel 2 coming soon, be patient.....

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

I've had converations with many glancing many of the topics covered in this lecture, including economics, art, ecology, and my somewhat similar experience of Las Vegas. May you use it for GOOD and not evil. It's a timely reminder of why I started groupiegirldc, it's about being part of a community and giving something back that means more than money or merch.