Monday, September 29, 2003

Do you know this guy?

It make's me believe that the internet was not developed for clandestine defense purposes - instead the internet came into being to provide immensly talented artists, like this jazz drummer, with an income to live on. Sigh, I need an income.
Oh Mi Goodness.

It's almost October and this site is in a shambles-sorry about that folks. Cyberspace is not that forgiving when you try to use both a mac and a pc for working on the same template, I'm guessing that's the problem with my calendar. I will try to fix it up soon because October seems to be lining up a lot of fun shows.

Monday, September 08, 2003

It was great to see the Dustbowlers out and about, even better to hear them. The gig took place above Politiki at a place called "Top Of The Hill", no tiki's there. it sounds stuffy, but it was comfortably laid back. I was most struck by the fact it was a Saturday night and there was no yelling, puking or passing out observed. But more about the band.

My oh my, they do know a lot of songs. This Tim Penney fellow is a very, very prolific songwriter and he's go A LOT of guitars. Let's see there was a pretty 12 string that he was playing as I walked in, your friendly neighborhood telecaster, a lap steel, and something my friend Peter refered to a gold top Les Paul with action, which I can't prove or deny, I had never seen the likes of it up so close. Again, pretty. Very, very pretty.

So, what Tim stocks in guitars is karmically accounted for by the sparse drum kit of Mike Magor. I don't know how I didn't notice months ago when I saw them for the first time. Perhaps he's pared it down even more, his kit was almost as small as Shortstack's. A bass, a snare, a highhat, and somekind of reversoid highhat setup I've never noticed before. Additional percussion in the the form of a tamborine thingy on the highhat and a set of double bongos was whipped out and played on the side too, so I suppose while the set up looked small there was more there than met the eye.

The other Mike, Mike O'Malley plays bass and upright and is quite facile at both, which is nice. I wonder how the songs have been arranged for this trio as Tim writes all of them I think? The choice of upright vs. electric bass for each song was really spot on.

And again sooooooooo many songs. For a trio they really weave in some beautiful complexity that is very understated and appropriate to the songs. I hate making comparisons, but there is a Guthrie-ness and a Wilco-ness and a Cal-i-forn-i-a-ness to what they are doing. Not like a "Wilco is cool" or "I want to be Woddie Guthrie" thing, but a laid back, honesty, simplicity and clarity that makes Wilco and Woody so cool. The Dustbowler lyrics are short and often subtle and poetic, but they are about NOW, nothing retro rooty about them, if you really pay attention. Even if you are not going to pay attention, don't worry, they just sound good.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Many apologies for the short notice, hope you can make it to hear the(drumroll)


play this Saturday night at 9:30, at Politiki, 319 Pennsylvania Avenue SE. If I have time I will refresh your memory about this Californiaesque Trio

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Hello there groupiegirldc readers, missing me? I'm sorry, my bread & butter job is kicking my butt - so I have barely been able to see shows, let alone write about them, but check out what landed in inbox this Labor Day weekend the below is from Brian McGuire, the point man for 52-pickup and the Bop 'n' Bowl.

Hello Bop 'n' Bowl fans:

Well, there's good news and bad news...

Bad news first! In case you had heard of this show previously, let us clue you in that the Bill Kirchen/Cigarbox Planetarium/'52 Pickup Bop 'n'Bowl originally scheduled for this Saturday, September 6 is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!CANCELLED! Sorry, but the alley management, in their infinite wisdom, decided to close the lanes for the first two weeks of September!

The GOOD news is that the latest proposal by the big money interests to demolish the historic duckpin sanctuary to make way for luxury condos has been sent packing by the Falls Church City Council! Wow! This is how government is supposed to work! The City Council, for at least the second time in a row, is more concerned with the public good than money! So the duckpin lanes keep rollin' on for the time being! Read the laughably-biased pro-development coverage by the Falls Church News Press

That is so freakin' cool, super-duper yay! Since I will not have time to update the calendar anytime soon, I will mention that Spottiswoode & his Enemies are gigging the Velvet Lounge in DC on September 10, I think, I saw it in the City Paper, I hope it's true.