Monday, June 30, 2003

OK, THIS was a total biatch to find. It's The Hosiery mailing list, which also keeps track of The Warehouse Nextdoor shows. Apparently Measles, Mumps, Rubella is playing at "TWN" tomorrow-per a TPC crony I ran into at Lungfish on Saturday. I hope the mailing list link continues to work, it seems like the planaria identity is in flux.

So, I had pipe dreams that on Saturday I could see Spottiswoode open for Cravin Dogs at Iota, pop across the street to Galaxy Hut to see the Bomb Pops, then over to the Black Cat for Lungfish. As it turned out I was feelin' poorly in my person that day, so it took all my power just to drag myself to the B-Cat, let alone 2 other shows.

I made it to Lungfish. Honestly, I've only seen Lungfish once before, though I am in the age group that could have seen them umpteen million times when they were rippin' up the town back in the day. On a whim about a year ago, (OK, maybe almost 2) after surfing Dischords website I picked up The Pupils CD, a touchy- feely, stripped down version of Lungfish - Daniel's lyrics accompanied by 2 guitars, played by him and Asa. I listen to this CD a lot-and it made me see why I've heard Daniel referred to as 'the Spirit-Head of Dischord'. His verse is magnetic-there are no metaphorical petty ironies standing in for bigger issues here. If Armageddon comes it will be our own fault, because Daniel's seen it and tried to warn us about it. Sigh.

Friday, June 27, 2003

So, I didn't melt That Woodrow Wilson Plaza place is tre's Euro once you walk the 300 yards off Pennsylvania Avenue. There's tables and chairs with umbrellas, a little grove of trees, some totally stupid sculpture. Like I said, very Euro. Whomever is putting this shindig on has a nice setup though: a raised stage, a giant PA, passing out revival meeting fans with music schedules on them. The Grandsons seem to real dig outdoor shows, which is cool - or in this case, hot. For an inside show, definitely head out to the Duckpin lanes to the The bop-n-bowl, there may only be 3 or 4 more of these shows, if the developers get their zoning approved for condos in the next few months. Looks like Tom & Debra & their swing dancin' posse will be there. So, if you feel like gettin' really special put on your ultra-retro duds and check it out.
Hello Music People

I'm getting ready to hop off to the "International Trade Center" (ie. The Ronald Reagan Building). I brought my sunnyblock lotion with me to work, so I won't fry, but I may melt.

Pick up the city paper and look at CHEAP SEATS section because it seems the CP has finally dropped science on what is going on with the Falls Church "Duckpin" Bowling Center. Oh well-it looks like it will hang in for the rest of the summer before being raised to make way for luxury townhomes and retail.

You know it's funny, I go in to a grocery or a pharmacy and there are almost never more than 3 or 4 cashiers working, doesn't matter the day of time or that there are 7-8 cash registers. Do we really need MORE stores or just better management and attention to the stores there are? Seems companies treat their buildings and employees like disposable silverware-the appreciate it when they first get it, hold onto and may even reuse it, but the minute the going gets a little rough the place a little dirty, they dump it. Seems like a bad practice.

On the other hand a lot of the clubs I frequent, often have shows that sell out. Even on a weekday in a small place like the Velvet Lounge I may have to wait in a 3-deep line with 2 bartenders working to get a drink. Also I can't go hear live music indoors anywhere in my neighborhood (Mt. Pleasant). It's a drag, this is the area where I am being underserved, I have absolutely no need for another poopy CVS, Giant grocery store or a $900 to $1200 efficiency apartment which though supposedly 'luxurious' is roughly 75% more than I can pay for rent (I already pay about 33% more than I can afford and that's paid to friends.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

So are you a hipster that works a square job in downtown DC? Check out this copy - "to entertain office workers and visitors alike" it's Live!On Woodrow Wilson Plaza -now if someone would just realize how many of us are "just visiting as office workers" then things could get interesting. But really, rock on. This is a very ambitious program, live performance almost everyday. I hope to hit Frederic Yonnet and the PoEmcees, both come highly recommended yet I have missed seeing them live repeatedly in the past year. And just two short days from now, weather permitting, I will be able to punctuate my workday with some Grandsons fun!

(By the way Woodrow Wilson Plaza is apparently the Courtyard of the freakin' Ronald Reagan Building, where 13th Street, NW dead ends into Pennsylvania Ave.)

Thursday, June 19, 2003

You should go to this on Sunday if the weather is nice. It's one of like 4 plus outdoors shows happening in the next few days, especially for The Grandsons.

At the risk of gettin' suburban on yass, this thing on Sunday is a no miss. Rockabilly, Tony Hawk, 'grandfather' of extreme skateboarding, and the new AFI Silver Theaters totally hip program. (someone posted the Summer film schedule at Iota-teehee). Really though the AFI can finally do it's job, showin good films at a good price. A standard $8.50 usually, and you can purchase online! Can I get an Amen. And really, if does not rain, bring your sunscreen and git out dang it.

Monday, June 09, 2003


If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week.

- Charles Darwin

Got it covered. In fact I must be mega-evolved!, once a week-pffft.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

OK, sorry to be so pokey, hopefully I can get this extensive June calendar up soon. Looking at my posts, sorry to bore you, but I went to another Spottiswoode show...well it was an S & M show, by which I mean a John & Riley show. Clear as mud now, right?

Anyway thanks to these lovely people for having S&M play. I heard these two play a few songs at Visions when they screened "The Gentleman" a lovely film co-written and directed by Spottiswoode, but that was at least two years ago, maybe close to three. Honestly that Visions show did not hold a candle to last weekends performance.

While I am not a musician I am going to be bold and suggest that if you are in a band of more than two and have been considering playing out with a smaller combo, do it.

a) I was quite interested in technically how much better John's guitar playing has gotten b) In this case I also got to see a whole different musical side to Riley. In S&HE he is normally engaged in impressive finger gymnastics with guitars and other string things, in the duo it's about the timing and the rhythm using bells, toys, & frying pans c) Perhaps if you are a songwriting performer it gives you a whole different venue for different songs. If you've got freaks like me who have been listening to your material on & off for a decade, presenting them with new material is a good thing.

(you know I go off about wanting change, but often, often, often at Spottiswoode shows I am amazed at the cigarette torch mentality that can pervade-it can't escape notice that people still want to hear those Zimmerman songs, great songs, but get real, the world has moved on-and of all the people that should it not be Zimmermans fans that 'understood' "That's how the civilized will be punished? Oi vay.

Monday, June 02, 2003

Why the hell was this not the feature in the newspapers ENTERTAINMENT section this Sunday-screw that, why not all last week!!!" I'm really mad. There's really just too much out there to keep up with, but that's not an excuse. Join me in geting up on FCC issue's at FUTURE OF MUSIC COALITION


COMMENT TO THE FCC NOW! You know, while you are at it, pound the POST too, I am sick of the Entertainment/Style headings used in the print and online sections of this newspaper. Where's the section where you would learn that your country is trying to violate your free speech by ensuring that your poverty will keep you from ever figuring out what is going on?

From the Post: Letters to the Editor

Q: How do I submit a letter to the editor?

A: We offer two methods of sending a letter to the editor of The Washington Post: 1) You can e-mail your Letters to the Editor to

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